News archive 2007
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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for all! |
There are new summer photo on the page of welsh corgi cardigan Fanta (Zamok Svyatogo Angela Infanta)!
Our congratulations to Fanta and her owners - she presented great results on the November dog-shows!
25.11.2007, Moscow, international (IKU) - exellent 1, CW, JCAC, BJ Judge - Carmel Barry-Sheehan (England)
24.11.2007, Moscow, international (IKU) - exellent 1, CW, JCAC, BJ Judge - Derek Allsopp (England)
11.11.2007, Moscow, regional - exellent 1, CW, JCAC, BJ Judge - Julia Lakatosh (Russia)
03.11.2007, Moscow, all-russian - exellent 1, CW, JCAC, BJ, BOB Judge - Kittenberger Katona Zoltan (Hungary)
03.11.2007, Moscow, regional - exellent 2 Judge - Olga Grin (Russia)!
The page of Zamok Svyatogo Angela Imperator (Perchi) was added to the website! |
There are many new photos of our welsh corgi cardigan in photoalbum! |
And more new summer photos on the pages of our welsh corgi cardigans Ada, Oskar and Frida! |
There are new summer photos on the pages of our welsh corgi cardigan Avva and Alastor! |
We've desided to leave in the Kennel the daughters of our Maggie: Zamok Svyatogo Angela Kalypso and Zamok Svyatogo Angela Kameya! |
The page of the daughter of our Avva - Kuba (Zamok Svyatoga AngeLa Isida) was added to website! |
On the 30.09.07 there was an International dog-show Russia-2007 where under judging of Wes Stacey (Australia) our puppies of welsh corgi cardigan shew very good results:
Zamok Svyatogo Angela Infanta - very promising, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy

Zamok Svyatogo Angela Imperator - very promising, Best Puppy Dog

Our congratulations to the owners of our kids! |
Our puppies of welsh corgi pembroke are 1 month and 1 week now and we are glad to show their photos! Also meet their father - CH POL PADDINGTON REGALIA.
On the 23th of August our welsh corgi pembroke Meggie born from Ch Pol PADDINGTON REGALIA 4 baby-girls! Look
for their pedigree and for the photos of their parents. We will show photos of the puppies very soon. |
On the 1st of September in Warsawa (Poland) there was welsh corgi speciality Corgi-picnik, where under judging of Astrid Lundava (Estonia), our welsh corgi cardigans shew following results:
BRAWURA FANATYCZKA Controversia, champions class - exellent, 3

(Courtly Blue Wish For Controversia), intermediate class - exellent, 2

GOLDEN GIRLFRIEND Controversia, junior class - exellent, 2

MANJU JEWEL Controversia, puppy class - very promising, 3.

On the 2nd of September we attended one more dog show in Chenstahovo (Poland) where Andrzej Zamoyski (Poland) was judging. Our results
BRAWURA FANATYCZKA Controversia, champions class - exellent 1, CW, Best Bitch
Courtly Blue Wish For Controversia, intermediate class - exellent 1, CW |
There are new photos on the page of welsh corgi cardigan Klepa (Zamok Svyatogo Angela Imperia) - daughter of our Avva! |
On the 8th of July in Warsawa our dog made good job! Welsh
corgi cardigan Alastor received CAC, CACIB and became Best Dog and welsh
corgi pembroke Meggy received "exellent" and became 3d in class!

There are new pages of our Avva's pups on the website! Please, meet Fanta (Zamok Svyatogo Angela Infanta) and Klepa (Zamok Svyatogo Angela Imperia)! |
Our conratulations to Anna Prokopenko and Gaby (Zamok Svyatogo Angela Gaby)! On the 29th of June Gaby born her first puppies - 5 beautiful boys (3 tricolor and 2 red&white)! Father of the puppies - Ireland and Russia Champion Craigycor Dream Quest (red and white). All info about puppies you can receive from Anna by phone + 7 495 723 50 53, +7 903 723 50 53, e-mail, ICQ 233 496 485. |
Our conratulations to Larisa Zagvozkina and her daring Garbushka (Zamok Svyatogo Angela Gardeya)! On the 07/07/07 at the corgi speciality in Kursk under judging of Miroslaw Redlicki (Poland) Garbushka won winners class (exellent 1, CC) and was titled as Most feminine bitch! |
Our conratulations to Anna Prokopenko with the winning of Kontra (Zamok Svyatogo Angela D'Controversia Kontra) at the corgi spesiality in Finland! Nice showing! We are proud of you! Thank you for the love and care of our "daughters"!
Also, we are congratulating our Alastor and mother of our Ada - Tricky (MUDPAW'S Controversia) with succesful presentation at the Championship of Europe!
Alastor (Courtly BLUE WISH FOR CONTROVERSIA) - (intermedia class) - exellent 1, CAC
Tricky (MUDPAW'S Controversia) - (champion class) - exellent 2, R.CAC, R.CACIB, res-European Winner!
welsh corgi cardigans Alastor and Tricky
CONTROVERSIA Kennel (Poland) offers for the sale 7 brindle puppies of welsh corgi cardigan. There are 6 girls and 1 boy. Puppies were born on the 07.04.2007 from CYPRIAN Corlan Gi and Big-Wood's DO CONTROVERSIA. More information you can find on the page of the litter on the Kennel's website >>>
CONTROVERSIA Kennel is the first home of our Avva, Zhuzhu, Ada and Frida! And we very glad to help all puppies to find new homes! |
Let us introduce our new girl - Ada (Manju Jewel Controversia) - daughter of beautiful Tricky (MUDPAW'S Controversia)! We are very glad to see her in our home and sure she will become The Star as her mother is! |
We have new photos of our cardigan-children! Please, look at the puppies at 38 days age on the page of the litter. |
We have first photos of our cardigan-children! Please, look at the puppies at 15 days age and find out their pedigree on the page of the litter. |
Our home phone had changed! New phone is: +7 495 611 72 26 |
We have newborn cardigans! On the 1st of February our Avvochka born us 7 puppies: 3 girls and 4 boys! Wait for more information. |
All news for 6 months in one row: Avva - CH Rus, Pol, Mld, InterCh, Alastor - JCHRus! Please, look for some photos from Corgi-Picnic (September, 2006, Poland) and from our trip to Finland on Champioship of Europe (June, 2006). Also, there are some new photos on Alastor's and Oskar's photoalbums.
And the last news - we have new cardigan welsh corgi - pretty girl Frida from Poland. Her mother is the sister of our Avva and the father is from Holland. |
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